Melody by Kate Earl

F*** You.
This is what you do when you are really tired at night and have nothing to do and refuse to do homework.
I hate scary things. Scary movies, scary books, I am literally scared to watch scooby doo by myself. I do not know why. Every time I have to go in the basement by myself, I think, "Ohmygodpleasegrudgegirldonoteatmepleasepleaseplease," and I run as fast as I can.
So you can imagine how much I despised my friends who invited me to a sleepover and kept it a secret from me that we were going to watch Scream. So I was stuck at a sleepover, rocking back and forth in fetal position, sweating, having a heart attack. After the movie I made someone stand in the shower while I peed because I was too afraid to pee alone.
Which says a lot because I hate it when people can hear me pee.
This picture represents everything I am not.
Commenttttttttttt meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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