
Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Love Snail Mail...

I have always loved snail mail. Mostly I love receiving it but I also love sending it and checking the mailbox. Why? I have no clue. I am such a weird kid. Probably because it's old school and out-of-date enough at this point that when I get something in the mail, it feels special and exciting and new.

So anyway, my love of getting the mail has been exponentially increased ever since college acceptance/rejection letters have started coming out. I check my mail religiously (I'm not religious AT ALL but I DO check my mail every single day, sometimes twice or three times a day, know exactly when the mailman comes, and check it rain or shine or snow.)

Now just to give you a little recap on all my college information, I want to be a film major because, eventually, I want to make movies. So I applied to various film schools and some that don't have film. In all, I applied to six colleges/universities.

One of the schools was considered my safety (I knew I would get in), one was considered a backup (wasn't positive I'd get in but I had a good shot), and four were considered "reaches" (not going to get in but they are my dream schools/ivy league).

The first acceptance letter I got was SUCH a good feeling. It was my "safety", but it still felt nice to know that, no matter what I was going to college. And that was good.

Letter number two was a bit more exciting. It was from one my reach schools. It was the easiest of the four reaches to get into, but also a dream school. And I got some goooood money. I was freaking out when I got that thick, big packet in the mail. That was one of the letters I was impatiently waiting for, so when I got in (to their film school!) I was freaking out.

The next letter, thankfully an acceptance, was from my "backup". It felt good because it is an in state school so I knew that I would have a great in state school that I could afford to go to. I'm grateful, don't get me wrong, it just would not be my first choice. No film program there.

Sadly, letter number four was a big, fat (actually a small, scary) REJECTION. From USC. That stung a bit, but I knew I wouldn't go there anyway (you hear things on these college confidential forums...). And because I wasn't expecting an acceptance anyway, I was not shocked or crying or angry. I was like, "poop".

But that same day...Oh. Man. A dew-zay. The greatest email on EARTH came to my inbox informing me that I had been accepted to...drum roll please...New York University! I was accepted into their film program and when I read the email I screamed and froze for like a minute and mom thought my battery panel short-circuited. It was crazy. I'm still amazed that I would even be considered NYU material. Let alone be admitted to their prestigious film program. In that moment I realized that I had been accepted into two of my long shot, dream schools, and that I would be studying film somewhere in the country in the next six months.

I still have to hear back from one more school (ivy league, about a 0.005% chance I'll get in) but I am on cloud nine with my acceptances.

My mailman has NO idea what he has done for my health and confidence. I think I may leave a letter in my mailbox addressed to "My AMAZING mailman" to let him know he is my #1.

From a high, high place,


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! It's always good to get good news like that! And I agree on liking to get letters in the mail. How can you not? It's a lot more sincere than an email or tweet or whatever else you can think of.


For some reason, getting a comment makes me giddy :)

Thank youuu!