
Friday, June 17, 2011

My Yearly Room Cleaning...

About once a year, I get this sudden, uncharacteristic urge to clean my room. And not just pick up the crap off my floor, but a real Room Purge.

That means dusting, vacuuming, and wiping the shit out of everything. By the time I get my annual urge to purge there is a layer of dust on my ceiling fan a foot thick.

I label two huge trash bags, "Trash" and "Goodwill", and then line up three paper bags for recycle.  I go through every little knick knack in my room and decide to keep or throw away or reorganize. For myself, a hoarder, it's a one or two week process. Because you can't rush a process like this.

Everything has to end up on the floor at some point so I can evaluate its worth. Everything must be submitted for a major dusting. And 90% of the things I own get put in a new spot. So as you can imagine, it always get worse before it gets better. I'm currently at the worse stage. (Or maybe a little bit better because I can finally see my floor again!)

Anyway, I have faith that it will start looking pretty good soon. I mean, I should have a good week left of my cleaning craze (fueled by the satisfaction of recycling all my schoolwork from the past 7 years. Woohoo for graduating high school!)

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