
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

People Driven Indoors by a Gray Sky...

Being from Seattle, I have never been one to run indoors at a weather forecast of rain and a gray sky. 

So I was pretty surprised that the entire outdoor campus was empty as I walked back from my class at 4 p.m. At first I didn't get it. Was there some big event going on somewhere else on campus? Was it later than I thought and everyone was at dinner? Was there a shooter on the loose and I had been the last to find out?

No. It was the fact that the weather forecast had promised some rain and the skies were an admittedly foreboding gray.

Sometimes I love the weather here in Orange County. I can put on a pair of shorts and tan these legs that have never been anything other than a pasty white for the past 19 years. It's nice to walk around in the evenings and feel the setting sun warm on your back. But sometimes I just want a little bit of change in the weather, the sky. I want seasons, god dammit!

I will admit, however, that the constant sunshine has done wonders for my energy levels. It gets depressing in Seattle, never seeing the sun and feeling like you're living like a mole person for 10 months of the year. A little vitamin D goes a long way.

As for the school portion of college life, it's going well. I was blessed with getting off of two waitlists into a class I need for my minor (Sociology 101) and a class I need if I were to switch my major (which I still haven't completely figured out yet...). My classes are pretty freaking cool and my professors are some of the most amazing people I've met so far in the film school. Will continue more with that later...

For now, going to go enjoy the sunshine...


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