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The one nice thing about finals week is that it's followed by a "teacher's work day"...aka, day off! And it's well deserved after working so hard. We should be allowed to take it slow and let our heart rates level out a bit.
I love three day weekends. Granted, we still have to do homework and can't completely forget about school but, it's still nice to relax and do something fun. After the whole fiasco of Friday night and after the gruelling SAT, my mom and I went to see the Seattle Shakespeare Company's1 performance of Electra on my Teen Tix pass. Teen Tix 2 is this really cool program that teens can sign up for in and around Seattle that lets you buy tickets to see plays and operas and shows and all different kinds of cool arts things for $5. It's a really neat program that I'm so thankful to have because I love seeing plays and art shows. The play was really good by the way. Because the Teen Tix tickets are rush tickets, you kind of sit wherever your tickets put you, but my mom and I actually sat in the front center and it was amazing being right up there. The Center House theater is super small but it was really intimate and made it so personal.
And then today, I woke up and was extremely happy to have a day off and I made...
Yum, yum. And guess how I ate them?
A la mode of course! Vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and chopped walnuts.
Not exactly healthy. But I was celebrating a long, hard week!
P.S. Next time I will show you the amazing egg separator I used...crazy inventions.
:): this song is dedicated to my sister.
1: Check out the Seattle Shakespeare Company's website!
2: Teen Tix information can be found here: or at their blog
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