
Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Summer of a First Year College Student...

I feel older than ever.

I've finished my first year of college, I have a new--more or less--full time job, and said job is leaving me feeling like I have arthritis of the legs.

This is basically my first job (babysitting really does not count and my on campus job at school is hardly a job). I work at a large department store and so I'm on my feet selling things to people all day. Hence the pain in my legs. I'm glad to have a job that pays well and gives me a lot of hours, but when I pictured my summer I didn't really picture myself left without ANY down time. It's a little sad. My idea of a summer vacation isn't being MORE busy than I was in school.

But this is real life.

Real life sucks.

And I no longer have weekends.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

College Year One is Done...

I have finished year one of college and I am now home for three months. What to do with myself...I'm already tired of being with me. The self-pics have started. For shame!


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Two Weeks...

Two weeks left of my first year of college.

God, I remember starting this blog thinking I'd know who I was, or at least who I wanted to be, by now. I thought that once I applied, was accepted, and attended film school that I'd have something (anything) figured out.

Instead, I'm just as confused as ever. And with only two weeks left of school, I feel so unsatisfied. Like I should have put another piece of the puzzle together. In reality, I think I probably realized that a couple of the pieces I thought fit together were actually just two pieces I jammed side by side, thinking that if I pushed hard enough they'd belong.

The year isn't over and I'm currently in the process of learning a lot about loyalty and trust and two facedness, so I won't jump the gun and say I haven't learned anything about anything. All I'm saying is that I want to learn lots about lots and I feel like I haven't gotten off to such a good start yet.

I'm insanely naive, I know.
