You're the Only One by Maria Mena 1
Some people blog for a living. To those people I say, you must be very lonely.
Actually, no.
You know what the cool thing about blogging is? You always feel connected to people. Even if absolutely no one reads your blog (ahem) and you're very dull and have nothing interesting to say at all (ahem ahem) and you only blog because you really want to avoid homework (AHEM AHEM AHEM..."do you need some water?" “No, I'm good. Thanks"), you feel like there is someone out there who has read what you have to say (or better yet, you may have a blogger stalker!).
When I get the [very] occasional comment, it's always weird to me. My knee-jerk reaction is to throw up my hands in disgust and say, "What are you doing reading that? That's not meant for you?!". And then you're like, "um, hello idiot. You started a blog and post all your crap on the internet." And then I say, "Oh, silly me! You're right" and get over the fact that someone has read what I wrote and then I start to think, "Oh hey this is kind of cool. People are reading what I wrote and humor me by saying they agree or whatnot".
In physics last year, we used this program called WebAssign. It's basically virtual homework that you do online and it spits back your results right away. A red X means 'wrong' and a green check means 'right'. You got three chances to answer each problem correctly (they were problems with numerical answers, so it wasn't like the robot computer checked your interpretation of the theme of A Hero of Our Time or anything). Being me, I always got the red X next to each problem. But I would try and try again and when/if I finally got one of those little green checkmarks, it was like God was beaming down a ray of sun directly onto my life. [Yes, I just compared physics homework to being a prophet.] It made me so happy.
Anyway, I get the same reaction now when I get a comment. Instead of feeling creeped out and kind of like I'm being virtually spied upon2, I get the little happy heart attack that those green checks gave me. It is very exciting.
Blogging has opened up this whole new world to me. I never understood why all the crazy bloggers (so, all bloggers) would talk about how they go to work or school or to the grocery store and then all of a sudden thought, "oh that would be a good topic to blog about!". But now when I see a dead cat on the side of the road (yes I did) or find about $30 worth of pennies on the ground (that's 3,000) or when I'm super excited about the new season of Glee (I am a Gleek), instead of pestering my mom and talking her ear off, I can come here and type your...eyes off? Something to that affect.
The thing is though, I'm not like, a real blogger blogger. I don't really write to entertain anyone. I don't even write to entertain myself. I just decided I needed a new artistic outlet. That and my mom only listens to half of what I say. I like to tell her that it's because I'm the middle child and so I get the least amount of attention but I think it's just overwhelming for her to have to listen to me say "DON'T MAKE ME GO TO SCHOOL, DON'T MAKE ME GO TO SCHOOL, DON'T MAKE ME GO TO SCHOOL" all day long.

It's not that I'm hiding my face, I just think this face is funnier to look at...actually. It's probably a tie.
Like, it's especially hard for her to listen to that when she's trying to watch tv or hold a conversation on the phone. Maybe I'M the reason mom screams in her sleep, she's having a nightmare about drowning in my voice..... : boy you guys are lucky that you don't have to hear me. You can just navigate away from me whenever you want and I wouldn't even know... Good place to end this conversation,
1: I chose this song because Maria Mena can't shut up in this song (so you see the relation between the song and my life?).
2: Speaking of being virtually spied upon. My mom told me that people can hack your computer and if you have a webcam, they can use that to spy on you. And for those of us with a laptop and an uncovered webcam, they can watch us! I'm not sure if that's true or not. Maybe my mom is paranoid because my gran worked for the CIA (am I allowed to say that? Is Matt Damon Jason Bourne going to come to my house and tell me to stop blogging on my wildly popular blog about my gran being a former CIA member? I sure hope so. I would love for the government to tell me to stop doing what I'm doing. Then I could blog about them and make them angry. And then I would go to jail.
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For some reason, getting a comment makes me giddy :)
Thank youuu!