Currently Listening to:Sunday Morning by Maroon 5
Sunday morning rain is falling.
Steal some covers share some skin.
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable.
You twist to fit the mold that I am in.
You know, even as a seventeen year old, all I want is to be happy. OK, of course I want a boyfriend, of course I want to go out with friends every night, of COURSE I want Matt Damon. As much as I try to resist the trappings of adolescence, I can't deny these urges. But however juvenile my wants may sound, all I want in the end is just to find something to make me happy.
I know, I know. Cheesy. But lately I've been watching people get so narrow-minded and focused on the short term that they lose sight of what they really want to accomplish. They start to lose sight of all there is to be thankful for: the sound of music in the open air, the pucker of lips against a tart lemon, even the good Seattle weather that decided to make an appearance on a Monday in March.
"Things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do."
I agree, Maroon 5, I agree.
Most people know that I would be the first one to jump up and start complaining about school and how good grades are so important and about how you have to make a good impression for colleges etc etc etc etc etc. And I'm sure many people would agree with me. But just because I believe it and you believe it, doesn't make it so. You know? No?Okay. In ToK [Theory of Knowledge], we are learning about truth and certainty and knowledge claims and doubt. We read Plato's The Cave which, more or less, raises the question of "how do we know what we know is true?" [Pop Culture Reference: Plato's idea is similar to The Matrix]. My point is that I think everyone should take time to reevaluate their perceptions of what is "important" or not. It's important for me to do well in school...but it shouldn't rule my life 100% of the time [I still need to work on this considering I woke up thinking about calculus].
What I'm saying doesn't make sense. I get that.
On a lighter note...
I never ended up talking about my day out with my Mom and Grandma in Seattle. We saw the ballet version of Sleeping Beauty at McCaw Hall. It was amazinnggggg! The costumes were gorgeous, the dancers were feathers being blown in the wind, and [being a band geek I had to notice] that the orchestra was pitch perfect and I wished I had the skills of that first clarinetist.
I went on my Teen Tix pass and so my ticket and my Mom's were only $5! It was a day for the kids and so the hall was packed full of little girls in princess dresses. There was a magician who did magic tricks before the play (how do they make the handkerchief disappear?) and all of the kids loved it. They stood around him in a big circle, in their fluffy princess dresses, and stood with their jaw dropped and unblinking. It was too cute.
I love pictures of people
It was a lot of fun. McCaw Hall is really great if you have ever been there. For just a place in Seattle to go see Operas and Ballets and things, it's pretty fun! I discovered the black and white setting on my camera (on my list of things to do is take a photography class) so I took tons of pictures that day. 
I love the people standing on the second level, looking down at their subjects...
That's all for now!
P.S. What is to come? Some fashion-y type things [which admittedly is not my forte], some pictures of Seattle [yes, space needle included], and my substitute for a summer job...
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