Currently Listening to:
Earth Song by Michael Jackson
Watching the Grammys? Here in Seattle, the tribute performance of Michael Jackson's Earth Song just played. All the artists were really moving; Carrie Underwood's country voice was soulful and of course Usher's vocals were amazing. But what I thought was especially touching was the bit at the end where Prince Michael and Paris spoke about their father and said that "throughout his songs, his message was simple: love." Their outfits, in honor of their father, were adorable with the red armband and red stripes down their black pants.
The fact that it was in 3D was cool (we tried to use our 3D glasses from Avatar in 3D but it was the traditional red and blue glasses kind so that didn't work...).
Definitely my favorite part of the Grammys so far. Of course, it isn't over yet and I can never get too much of Michael Jackson [well, I haven't so far].
Be back with more Grammy talk (especially the red carpet outfits!)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I'm Your Biggest Fan...
Currently Listening to:
Paparazzi by Lady Gaga 1
Kathy Griffin was HILARIOUS.
I have to start by saying that I admire Kathy's ability to do THAT every night. She had so much energy and enthusiasm and she played the crowd amazingly well. I got tired just watching her perform. If you've seen her show "My Life on the D-List", you know that she holds nothing back and is constantly shocking everyone.
During her stand up routine on Friday night she joked to the crowd, "I'm not a political comedian but I'm so far left I'm not even a Democrat".
One of my favorite things about Kathy is that she says all the things that aren't supposed to be said, and she says them with confidence. Who else is going to make fun of Oprah or whole boards of television networks? Of course, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her acidic punchlines but part of being a celebrity is being able to take the hits in stride. So Kathy, I applaud you for shocking America with your offensive comments.
And, of course, all her gays were there. Ah, best night ever.
I love Seattle, how could I ever leave this place?
1: Why did I choose this song. Well first off, Miss Griffin loves the paparazzi (as seen below). Second, I want her psycho. And third, she played this song as her entrance and exit music on stage. I think it just embodies her whole persona, no?
Paparazzi by Lady Gaga 1
Kathy Griffin was HILARIOUS.
I have to start by saying that I admire Kathy's ability to do THAT every night. She had so much energy and enthusiasm and she played the crowd amazingly well. I got tired just watching her perform. If you've seen her show "My Life on the D-List", you know that she holds nothing back and is constantly shocking everyone.
During her stand up routine on Friday night she joked to the crowd, "I'm not a political comedian but I'm so far left I'm not even a Democrat".
One of my favorite things about Kathy is that she says all the things that aren't supposed to be said, and she says them with confidence. Who else is going to make fun of Oprah or whole boards of television networks? Of course, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her acidic punchlines but part of being a celebrity is being able to take the hits in stride. So Kathy, I applaud you for shocking America with your offensive comments.
And, of course, all her gays were there. Ah, best night ever.
I love Seattle, how could I ever leave this place?
1: Why did I choose this song. Well first off, Miss Griffin loves the paparazzi (as seen below). Second, I want her psycho. And third, she played this song as her entrance and exit music on stage. I think it just embodies her whole persona, no?

Kathy at her finest. She really hams it up for the paparazzi. This 17 year old loves her! (:
Friday, January 29, 2010
Quick Update:
Thank God it's Friday!
I'm going to see Kathy Griffin tonight at the Paramount in Seattle. Can't wait to see what kinds of offensive things she says!
Thank God it's Friday!
I'm going to see Kathy Griffin tonight at the Paramount in Seattle. Can't wait to see what kinds of offensive things she says!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I Found a Dream...
Currently Listening to:
At Last by Etta James1
"I found a dream that I could speak to..."
Movies. Film. Film Club. I want to start one at school.
I want to start a film club and I want to go to film school. I go on to every day and look for colleges that have film schools. I think I might be that much closer to figuring this out.
Key piece of the puzzle: FILM.
P.S. I'm seeing Kathy Griffin at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle on Friday. I have floor seats. I'm so excited. She is so crass and in your face, a no holds barred kind of gal. The tickets were a Christmas gift. THANK YOU, MOM.
1: I decided to link the song this time to a youtube singer. Please check her out, she is really good and I'm subscribed to her! Her channel is "BrookesAstar". Also, I realize the song itself is a little dramatic in the context I am using it but you have to understand; realizing how much film means to mean and how much I want to make it part of my life makes me so happy. I've been trying to figure out what I like and now I have something that I could be passionate about. Yay.
At Last by Etta James1
"I found a dream that I could speak to..."
Movies. Film. Film Club. I want to start one at school.
I want to start a film club and I want to go to film school. I go on to every day and look for colleges that have film schools. I think I might be that much closer to figuring this out.
Key piece of the puzzle: FILM.
P.S. I'm seeing Kathy Griffin at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle on Friday. I have floor seats. I'm so excited. She is so crass and in your face, a no holds barred kind of gal. The tickets were a Christmas gift. THANK YOU, MOM.
1: I decided to link the song this time to a youtube singer. Please check her out, she is really good and I'm subscribed to her! Her channel is "BrookesAstar". Also, I realize the song itself is a little dramatic in the context I am using it but you have to understand; realizing how much film means to mean and how much I want to make it part of my life makes me so happy. I've been trying to figure out what I like and now I have something that I could be passionate about. Yay.
Monday, January 25, 2010
We'll Get There Fast and Then We'll Take it Slow...
Currently Listening to:
The one nice thing about finals week is that it's followed by a "teacher's work day"...aka, day off! And it's well deserved after working so hard. We should be allowed to take it slow and let our heart rates level out a bit.
I love three day weekends. Granted, we still have to do homework and can't completely forget about school but, it's still nice to relax and do something fun. After the whole fiasco of Friday night and after the gruelling SAT, my mom and I went to see the Seattle Shakespeare Company's1 performance of Electra on my Teen Tix pass. Teen Tix 2 is this really cool program that teens can sign up for in and around Seattle that lets you buy tickets to see plays and operas and shows and all different kinds of cool arts things for $5. It's a really neat program that I'm so thankful to have because I love seeing plays and art shows. The play was really good by the way. Because the Teen Tix tickets are rush tickets, you kind of sit wherever your tickets put you, but my mom and I actually sat in the front center and it was amazing being right up there. The Center House theater is super small but it was really intimate and made it so personal.
And then today, I woke up and was extremely happy to have a day off and I made...
Yum, yum. And guess how I ate them?
A la mode of course! Vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and chopped walnuts.
Not exactly healthy. But I was celebrating a long, hard week!
P.S. Next time I will show you the amazing egg separator I used...crazy inventions.
:): this song is dedicated to my sister.
1: Check out the Seattle Shakespeare Company's website!
2: Teen Tix information can be found here: or at their blog
Saturday, January 23, 2010
When You're Not Strong...
Currently Listening to:
Lean On Me by Bill Withers
Stress. I hate it and try to eliminate it from my life. And yet if someone were to ask me, right now, what word best describes my life I'd have to say stress.
I cried last night for the first time in a long time. Not like the kind of crying you do when you read a nice letter you've received, not like the kind of weeping that The Notebook evokes, not like the kind of tears that drip down your face when you cut onions. I cried because I was so frustrated and agitated. There was a definite buildup that I should have seen coming but it's hard to see that everything is snowballing until it hits you.
First off, it was finals week. Finals are the creation of the devil with the sole purpose to make every hair on my head turn grey from anxiety. Okay, yeah, sure. It's preparing us for college (or whatever). But really? Really?! The last test of the semester, that is to determine my grade in the class, is going to be worth 50% of my grade? And...what's that? And it's also going to be the same week as six other huge tests that will ALSO determine my grade?! Oh. Okay. No sweat.
Really though, finals aren't that bad. I could handle that. Really.
But when you add in a basketball game in which I must go to for pep band-a double header, I might add-and SATs the next morning at a school far from where I live....things just get crazy. I won't go into details but here's basically what happened at the end of finals week Friday night at 9:30 p.m. when I'm STILL at school for band and need to wake up at 5:30 a.m. the next morning:
Ahhh!Sleep!SATs!CanIpleaseeeeeleavetwoquartersearlytogohomeandsleep?Teacherangry!Meangry!Agh!Stormout. 1
So basically it was not good but I just needed to go home and get at least seven hours of sleep for the SAT. My teacher was upset that I asked to leave, and I understand why. But at the same time, I sacrifice a lot for band and I put up with a lot. Some teachers like to put stress on you to make you a tougher person, and I totally appreciate it. I would just appreciate it more if once in a while I'm allowed to put myself first. I rarely do, despite what he may think.
Stress. I'm so tired of feeling stressed.
That being said, there are much worse things we could be feeling than "stressed". I'd rather be stressed any day than be hungry, sick, scared, or hurt. I'd rather be stressed than devastated like the people in Haiti are. I'm disgusted with myself sometimes when it takes something so horrendous to turn me into an optimist. It shouldn't be that way. I'm pledging to start being more thankful and gracious and to not let myself get lazy in being appreciative.
Thank you,
1: The reason the song is Lean On Me is because of what my friend said to me in the car when I was crying after having talked to my teacher. She commiserated with me and knew just what to say to make me not feel completely stupid and to make me laugh. She told me to go home, put on fuzzy pajamas, and have cookie and milk, doctor's orders! I'm so blessed to have a friend like her. We all need somebody to lean on.
Lean On Me by Bill Withers
Stress. I hate it and try to eliminate it from my life. And yet if someone were to ask me, right now, what word best describes my life I'd have to say stress.
I cried last night for the first time in a long time. Not like the kind of crying you do when you read a nice letter you've received, not like the kind of weeping that The Notebook evokes, not like the kind of tears that drip down your face when you cut onions. I cried because I was so frustrated and agitated. There was a definite buildup that I should have seen coming but it's hard to see that everything is snowballing until it hits you.
First off, it was finals week. Finals are the creation of the devil with the sole purpose to make every hair on my head turn grey from anxiety. Okay, yeah, sure. It's preparing us for college (or whatever). But really? Really?! The last test of the semester, that is to determine my grade in the class, is going to be worth 50% of my grade? And...what's that? And it's also going to be the same week as six other huge tests that will ALSO determine my grade?! Oh. Okay. No sweat.
Really though, finals aren't that bad. I could handle that. Really.
But when you add in a basketball game in which I must go to for pep band-a double header, I might add-and SATs the next morning at a school far from where I live....things just get crazy. I won't go into details but here's basically what happened at the end of finals week Friday night at 9:30 p.m. when I'm STILL at school for band and need to wake up at 5:30 a.m. the next morning:
Ahhh!Sleep!SATs!CanIpleaseeeeeleavetwoquartersearlytogohomeandsleep?Teacherangry!Meangry!Agh!Stormout. 1
So basically it was not good but I just needed to go home and get at least seven hours of sleep for the SAT. My teacher was upset that I asked to leave, and I understand why. But at the same time, I sacrifice a lot for band and I put up with a lot. Some teachers like to put stress on you to make you a tougher person, and I totally appreciate it. I would just appreciate it more if once in a while I'm allowed to put myself first. I rarely do, despite what he may think.
Stress. I'm so tired of feeling stressed.
That being said, there are much worse things we could be feeling than "stressed". I'd rather be stressed any day than be hungry, sick, scared, or hurt. I'd rather be stressed than devastated like the people in Haiti are. I'm disgusted with myself sometimes when it takes something so horrendous to turn me into an optimist. It shouldn't be that way. I'm pledging to start being more thankful and gracious and to not let myself get lazy in being appreciative.
Thank you,
1: The reason the song is Lean On Me is because of what my friend said to me in the car when I was crying after having talked to my teacher. She commiserated with me and knew just what to say to make me not feel completely stupid and to make me laugh. She told me to go home, put on fuzzy pajamas, and have cookie and milk, doctor's orders! I'm so blessed to have a friend like her. We all need somebody to lean on.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year...
Currently Listening to:
Happy New Year by ABBA
(haha, ABBA)
Just wanted to say Happy New Year [boring, I know].
Every year I make New Year resolutions (that I never stick to) just because I feel obligated to. Isn't that annoying? It's like all the holidays put pressure on me to act a certain way and feel a certain way. Like Christmas. I mean, yeah, okay. I love Christmas and the holiday time of the year. Doesn't everyone?1 But Christmas can be so burdensome. That's why my siblings and I decided that, for the second year in a row, we weren't doing Christmas presents. Why? It just feels too forced. If we find a present for each other throughout the year we will buy it for the other person but isn't it sort of silly to be going crazy over presents during the holidays? I'd rather just spend a nice day with my family and eat lots of good food and watch movies and talk and laugh and be happy and relaxed. Not stressed out.
So here's to not being stressed out!
[Even though it's 1:29 a.m. and I have school tomorrow and I'm really stressed out an tired.]
P.S. I don't know why the first post of the year is about my holiday season in 2009. I guess I'm a little scatterbrained.
Question of the Day:
1: No. Everyone does not like the holiday season. I recently found out that the majority of the people I know hate this time of year and it was appalling and my world has been turned upside down.
Happy New Year by ABBA
(haha, ABBA)
Just wanted to say Happy New Year [boring, I know].
Every year I make New Year resolutions (that I never stick to) just because I feel obligated to. Isn't that annoying? It's like all the holidays put pressure on me to act a certain way and feel a certain way. Like Christmas. I mean, yeah, okay. I love Christmas and the holiday time of the year. Doesn't everyone?1 But Christmas can be so burdensome. That's why my siblings and I decided that, for the second year in a row, we weren't doing Christmas presents. Why? It just feels too forced. If we find a present for each other throughout the year we will buy it for the other person but isn't it sort of silly to be going crazy over presents during the holidays? I'd rather just spend a nice day with my family and eat lots of good food and watch movies and talk and laugh and be happy and relaxed. Not stressed out.
So here's to not being stressed out!
[Even though it's 1:29 a.m. and I have school tomorrow and I'm really stressed out an tired.]
P.S. I don't know why the first post of the year is about my holiday season in 2009. I guess I'm a little scatterbrained.
Question of the Day:
- Do you have any New Year's Resolutions?
1: No. Everyone does not like the holiday season. I recently found out that the majority of the people I know hate this time of year and it was appalling and my world has been turned upside down.
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