
Thursday, February 25, 2010

This is My Message to You...

Currently Listening to:

Three Little Birds by Bob Marley

So this week is Optimism Week. Day 4. It started at midnight on Monday.

My friend and I are both in a funk. Whatever comes right after Sophomore Slump and right before Senioritis. It's like Junior Jam, Junioritis, I don't know. But it's such a tiring place to be in. Being a Junior is like being stuck on a Wednesday or Thursday for a whole year. You're this close to being a senior and then graduating but, SYKE. You're not really that close.

How, exactly, am I supposed to survive another year and a half of this? I am totally ready for a change of pace, a change of scenery. College. Ahora. Por favor.

And I know for a fact it's not just me (even though sometimes I like to whine and complain that "you don't understandddddddslkjflsdjflsd", you probably do). I see it happening to all my friends. Some have a harder time handling it than I do, I'm sure. And some don't find it that hard to handle. I'm not hopeless but I'm not exactly skipping around school picking daisies and eating cotton candy.

So my friend R and I decided this week is Optimism Week. We have to speak with optimism this whole week. Obviously, it's hard to completely change your way of thinking but we must appear more optimistic this week, at least on the outside. And you know, that first morning after we made the Optimism Pact, I woke up happier and almost in a happy mood. Weird, I know. And things have been going better for me this week, too. It may be way more fun to be a downer, but sometimes throwing up rainbows and unicorns on everyone kind of makes you feel better yourself. It's like how if you act a certain way for long enough, it stops being acting and starts being second nature. Like if you act confident for long enough, you suddenly are confident.

Anyway, I have three more days of Optimism Week. It's not easy and sometimes I slip (hey, I'm half human! [half robot]) but it's really worth it. Changing your attitude changes your way of thinking and, ultimately, your way of life.

So I challenge YOU [you 5 subscribers ((: ] to have an Optimism Week and see if your quality of life improves, in any way, shape, or form-to any extent. You have nothing to lose. Except friends, if your friends are kind of gothic and scary and don't smile and aren't into the whole "happiness" thing.

But seriously. Just try.


P.S. It's not even ten p.m. and I'm done with homework. What what!

P.P.S. I'm thinking of starting a second blog focused more on the arts. Photography, film, music, fashion. Even though I said from the start this blog would not be a diary, it seems like one. But then again, I don't like the idea of starting another blog for me personally because I feel like I'm scatterbrained and it will all end up being a mixture of random things anyway. Make sense? No? Didn't think so.

P.P.P.S. Go Canadian Women Hockey Team!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Found your post in "coffee shop" area.

    I was the same exact way my junior year of high school. I was about to burst from being in school when all I wanted was summer time! But then my senior year came around, and I didn't have that feeling anymore. Junior year and that was it.

    And your optimism theory is probably accurate. I know I've always heard that if you smile when your in a bad mood, it will make you feel better. Seems like it's along the same lines.

    Anyway, thanks for the amusing post. ;) I'll be following you. :)


For some reason, getting a comment makes me giddy :)

Thank youuu!